I’ve had the privilege of being in a position to do some amazing trips throughout my life. Sky isn’t literally the limit, as in I wouldn’t be in line for one of these space adventure things. But there are some trips I would love to take but not sure how practical it is. Years ago I found this site showing the algorithmically fastest path to toure the whole country drinking beer from the best microbreweries in the contiguous United States. It doesn’t quite hit every state though and while I am a beer fan I like the idea of being able to wrap more than just beer into it. I therefore was thinking of using this as a launch pad to trying some choice local foods or restaurants as part of that tour. The route as computed takes twenty days. It’s eight days of driving time over those 20 days. If I were to add days for hitting states that weren’t on the map, seeing people I know in these areas, etc. I figure it would probably take two months of time to do it. Taking a couple months off to tour the country, see friends and family in the various locations, and try good beer, food, and wine, sound perfect to me.