Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 24
Yesterday I said the paging API was complete but needed to be reviewed. The more I talked over some elements with people and in exchanges on Diaspora I realized there were a couple of tweaks I needed to do.
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Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 23
After a day of coding the paging is now in every endpoint that should have it. That means that we have paging right now for:
Contacts Photos Posts Comments Notifications Conversations (but not messages in conversations) Search Streams Because of the size of the code changes I would imagine there will at least be some tweaking and I could imagine there being some larger refactoring afterward too but it’s in a solid, working, and as performant space as the existing standard endpoints so I’m happy with it.
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Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 22
Paging paging and more paging. I haven’t been committing as much time to development the last few days as I’d like. Some of that is frustration with the development process on the paging, which has been a lot of trial and error.
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Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 21
Coming up with a paging infrastructure for the API while looking at all of the ways it could be used and abused hasn’t been fun. Not that it hasn’t been totally worthwhile.
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Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 20
Now that we’ve hit feature complete status it’s about getting more of the legwork down to get us really ready for integration. The first necessary feature we need before that is paging.
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Open Source Dot-Net is 4 years old and going strong!
It seems like just a couple of years ago that Microsoft, the evil empire of the 1990s and early 200s, embraced open source and put the .NET ecosystem into the open source.
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Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 19
We’ve finally reached the milestone we’ve all been waiting for. With the completion of the Search API Endpoint the Diaspora API is now feature complete. That doesn’t mean that it’s ready for integration into the mainline branch.
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Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 18
After the long-winded post a few days ago on the API Status the latest update is pretty brief but important:
Notifications API endpoint, unit tests, and test harness are complete Work on the last endpoint (search) has begun.
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Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 17
The last couple of days has been a lot of heavy effort of slogging through some ever increasingly complex changes to get the API going. I started with what I thought was going to have a relatively easy time with the notifications however the deeper I went into the more I realized that I either had to come up with some relatively (for me anyway) complex queries to populate some of the return types or I have to settle for some N+1 type query behaviors.
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Diaspora API First: A Full Externally Created Post
After slogging away for most of today on the Photos API, with lots of needing to understand how things work and a couple more tweaks before it was ready, I decided to celebrate by showing the ultimate progress report: a screenshot.
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