I wanted to ace the sixth week, but work messed up those plans. It wasn’t a bad ending to the challenge but I could have obviously done much better.
(More ...)Despite my bitching and moaning I actually really liked my first six week challenge. With that one now in the books it’s time to look into doing another one. It’s not going to look drastically different than the first, but some of the parameters are going to be refined.
(More ...)The six week challenge is winding down this week, and after yet another week of deprivation at social events all I can think about is my first day of freedom afterward.
(More ...)I have to be honest with myself, week 5 has been the worst one, in terms of adherence so far. Not only did I bottom out scores on two categories, but I was about fed up with the dietary restrictions of the nutritarian diet as well.
(More ...)The fourth week of my diet challenge is now behind me. With the added formalism to my grading I can really keep myself more honest about how things are going. As usual, while I’m able to keep the diet dialed in, other things just don’t get the attention they need. As schedules get more compressed and busy I often just don’t have the energy to get the exercise things done, or it’s a trade-off between sleep and exercise. Hopefully next week I’ll be able to address that with some schedule changes.
(More ...)The third week of my diet challenge is now behind me. I added some formalism to how I’m grading myself on each category each day, and therefore the weekly grade. I’m getting faster and stronger too, but for some reason I’m now being haunted by food dreams.
(More ...)Three weeks into the challenge the diet component is going well, but for some reason the forbidden list items have started creeping into my dreams.
(More ...)The second week of my diet challenge is now behind me. I’ve really settled into a good tempo on the diet, even managing eating out rather well. While I’ve made some improvements on the other goals I still have a way to go.
(More ...)I’m trying to decide if what happened to me the other day is a case of water intoxication or sodium withdraw…
(More ...)The first week of my nutritarian diet challenge is now in the books. I’ve had some good food experiments, I’ve made some progress on my body composition, and I’ve survived some of the challenges. I’ve also stumbled a bit, but that’s I guess why I called it a challenge in the first place. So, how did I do with each of my goals?
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