Okay, I’m seriously going to go running today. I promise!
(More ...)I started getting into the real estate search business recently. I like my house but in the quest to look at the reasonableness of doing an upgrade to the house I ended up looking for a new one. If you have ever done a house search you know that entails lots of time in a car. This was no exception.
(More ...)Regardless of how much energy I felt I had the day before, I knew that not getting anywhere enough sleep the day before was going to hit me eventually, and so it did today.
(More ...)When I woke up at 3:45 am and couldn’t get back to sleep, I assumed I was going to be in for a crash half way through the day. Little did I know I’d still be up at midnight still going strong.
(More ...)Wednesday, June 25, 2014–After the last two days of running hot, both with work and exercise, I was supposed to plow into today with still more of the same. In the end I could feel that wasn’t the right thing to do. Rather than power through with my plan as if it was etched on stone tablets I decided to dial things back and give my body some restoration time.
(More ...)Tuesday, June 24, 2014–I said to myself I really wanted to make up for my lost weekend of technically Paleo eating, but not really so great with that due to travel, by amping up the vegetable consumption. Boy did I ever. I also started ramping up the working out too.
(More ...)Sunday, June 22–Traveling and Paleo are seriously ticking me off at this point. It’s one thing to have to suffer through self selections at restaurants. I don’t expect things to be as easy as it is when I am at home with the comfort of supermarkets, kitchens and my own routines. But on travel days where air travel is concerned it goes from being a nuisance to being totally irritating. I was close to dropping some F-bombs on myself for subjecting myself to this stupidity. I could just cave for one day, but I didn’t. Instead I just slugged through and threw myself a little pity party.
(More ...)Saturday June 21, 2014–After yesterday’s relatively low key day, we fired up yet another one but this one with far more outdoor activities and walking but also some good opportunity to get some socializing in. By happenstance it also gave us a glimpse into the life and times of an ancient culture.
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