Paleo Day 12: Eating out with Paleo Friends 2014-06-13

Most of the friends and coworkers I talk to about my diet experiment don’t exactly understand what I’m trying to do, but they are supportive.  Because the word “diet” has taken on the perception of something you do to lose weight quickly, it can be a bit jarring to hear I’m going to “diet” for 1.5 years.  People also like to shake their head at my self-induced dietary restrictions, but always in jest.  Thankfully due to a meeting I had downtown I had the opportunity to dine with some friends that are on the Paleo bandwagon and have been for quite some time.

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Paleo Day 11: Two Big Meals 2014-06-12

I seem to be dropping in meal frequency, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  Just a factor of schedule and timing, today I found myself without any snacks or breakfast.  It was therefore just two big meals for me today.  I really struggled between lunch and dinner, but I didn’t overeat in the end anyway.

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Paleo Day 10: Pizza Party (for everyone else) 2014-06-11

With another hectic day I once again ended up skipping breakfast and jumping right to lunch.  I had a hangout planned around pizza that everyone was thankfully accommodating on.  Overall it was a very calorie light day, but one that ended still Paleo pure.

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Paleo Day 9: A little lunch, a lot of snacking 2014-06-10

I knew the work day was going to be a string of meetings and goals to achieve that wouldn’t leave me much time to go out and grab any snacks.  I also knew that I would be very easily tempted by the non-Paleo stuff in the office.  I therefore packed ahead, quite heavily, to stave off any temptation.

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Paleo Day 8: Penance 2014-06-09

What is the best way to make up for yesterdays minor indiscretion?  How about a ton of non-paleo cooking and not indulging in a single taste or morsel?

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Paleo Day 7: Feasting and One Little Cheat 2014-06-08

Today was going to be back to a good amount of driving, followed up by some nice time going out to dinner and hanging with friends.  With no intention of ditching the Paleo diet, at worst maybe bending it a little, I ended up succumbing to a little non-Paleo indulgence after all.

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Can "Alcohol Removed" Wine Taste Any Good? 2014-06-07

I remember when O’Douls beer was introduced.  I wasn’t old enough to drink yet but I thought the idea was really cool.  It’s not that I never had a sip of beer as a kid, but the idea of being able to drink a full beer and legally sounded great.  I didn’t actually try one for real until I was an adult however.  I had been drinking for a few years and saw it on the menu at a restaurant, so I figured I would give it a go.  I can’t say I was disappointed because I had low expectations.  The problem is that it didn’t even live up to that.  It was therefore a mix of enthusiasm and excitement when I ran across a champagne at my local grocery story (in my state they can’t sell alcohol) called Fre.  Again going in with low expectations I decided to give it a try.  The results were surprisingly good.

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Paleo Day 6: All home cooking (finally), plus some experimentation 2014-06-07

After spending the rest of the week away from home I was finally able to have a day at home.  The day after “fast food and eating out” Paleo I’m now back to the making things at home and doing a real Paleo eating plan.  On top of that I got to experiment with a new champagne and a new style of cooking potatoes.

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"Better Than Fries Potatoes" is easy and tasty, but timing is off 2014-06-07

Have you seen this picture before?

Better Than Fries Potatoes (courtesy Pinterest)

Better Than Fries Potatoes (courtesy Pinterest)

You can find recipes all over, and the premise is quite simple.  One that will be universally available is from this link on Pinterest.  After seeing this several times I decided to try it myself tonight, but with a twist.  I tried both a regular and sweet potato version.

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Paleo Day 5: Road time means fast food paleo time 2014-06-06

After a night of restless sleeping, and only a few hours at that, most of the day was spent traveling.  A couple of days of good manual labor and little sleep combined to make me feel like I was dragging ass all day, to say nothing for the stresses of the day itself.  When on the road diets that don’t substantially mirror the standard American diet can be hard to accommodate.  Today was no different, but it wasn’t totally impossible either.

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