Weekly Update: 19-25 May 2013 2013-05-27 My first week of tracking on here has been hit or miss. My first few daily updates had specific nutritional information, but it just takes too much to generate that data and I don’t think anyone will give a crap about it anyway. (More ...)
Daily Update: 27 May 2013 2013-05-27 I’ve been on vacation, enjoying lots of good tasting (although thoroughly unhealthy) food and time with family. There is nothing like spending the holiday with family and friends. Unfortunately my body isn’t happy with the indulgence. (More ...)
Who Am I? 2013-05-25

As with an a early post to any new blog, it is fitting that I lay out who I am and why you should care about anything I have to say. First, I’ll say what I am not. I’m not a doctor or a personal trainer. While I have stayed in plenty of Holiday Inn Express hotels, scoured WebMD and online medical journal sites countless hours through the years and had a keen interest in human physiology I can make no claim of being a licensed expert in these fields. I’m not here to claim to be a health guru either. I don’t have some new magical elixir to sell you that will magically make you healthy, feel twenty years younger or be able to live into your 100’s. I’m not an adherent to any particular diet principle, tried and true or relatively newly discovered. I’m not a film maker working on yet another recast of a Morgan Spurlock adventure.  So who am I?

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Daily Update: Friday, 24 May 2013 2013-05-25 I had a voracious appetite all day. I could have eaten a horse. I succumb to lots of goodies: pancakes, a milk shake, a bunch of pretzels, pizza, some wine. It’s your stereotypical SAD diet. (More ...)
To (foam) roll or not to roll... 2013-05-23

…that is the question posed by Ben Greenfield on his Facebook page based on a discussion he found here: http://b-reddy.org/2013/05/20/issues-with-foam-rolling/ .  The article by Brian Reddy certainly makes a compelling argument against it, or more so against only doing foam rolling or to foam rolling in excess.  I think he presents a false dichotomy though.  He points out how foam rolling can’t fix underlying movement problems.  His main points are summarized in big bulleted letters, but I think over-simplifies the argument and creates that false dichotomy:

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Daily Update: Thursday, 23 May 2013 2013-05-23 Ate far better today, despite being famished through lunch time. I nice huge salad for dinner and some homemade yogurt and mango helped squelch that by evening. Skipped working out so have double up next couple of days. (More ...)
Daily Update: Wednesday, 22 May 2013 2013-05-22 Ate crap. Ran like crap. End of day feel like crap. The last part is a bit melodramatic, but I’m not happy that I crapped out during my run.
Daily Update: Tuesday, 21 May 2013 2013-05-21

Power yoga kicked my ass, that or a combination of that plus allergy medicines, allergies and overly light breakfast.  Comfort food was in order for lunch, but still didn’t make me feel better.  A 3+ hour nap in the afternoon after taking rest of day off of work did however.  Hearty steak and salad dinner with some yogurt and mango dessert (plus some pita chips and brownie bark) made for a not terrible but not great SAD diet day

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Methodology: 1, 2, 3 or more months 2013-05-21

How long should I be trying each diet out?  I’m taking great care to consider the proper phasing and timing of the entire experiment.  I’m trying to make sure that I’m not setting myself up for failure by doing things overly aggressively.  I’m also trying to make sure that I don’t bias any results for a given diet.  It would be a pity if I switched off a diet just in time for the effects to be felt.  At the same time I don’t want to make the period so long that it takes years for this process to unfold.

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Daily Updates 2013-05-21

As I think about how an adaptation to a new diet evolves, I think that commentary of the results day to day needs to go along with a more general discussion of how things are going in the diet.  There is the concept of a journal entry to discuss this general component, but a look at the day-to-day specifics of what is going on really deserves its own section.  The journal will be more colorful language and describing the failures and successes at that given point in time.  An accounting of what I ate or did in a given day however will go into a daily updates section.  Ideally this would take my already digital log of consumed food, activities and perhaps moods and show it in a brief set of words and graphics.

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