One of my chief gripes about modern development is the disk and memory bloat that so often seems to come with modern tool chains. I like having access to cross platform managed languages like Kotlin and C#. I appreciate but don’t love the language offerings for doing the same things with JavaScript and TypeScript. These languages though are positively bloated compared to old fashioned C and C++. Is that just the price of doing business? I used to think so until recently. A few weeks ago OSNews posted this story on a new OS called Vinix which is trying to write a whole OS in a language called V , in the same way that Redox is trying to do it with Rust. I never heard of the language but became intrigued with an initial look. The more I read about it and begin experiments with it the more I like.
(More ...)I’m always looking for new ways to use up my sourdough starter “discard”. When I started doing sourdough over a decade ago my go to was always pancakes followed by English Muffins . Recently I’ve mostly been using it for pizza crusts using the King Arthur Sourdough Pizza Crust recipe. I’ve tried various bread recipes but was never that impressed with them until now. This sourdough ciabatta post by user P.J. Smith over at The Fresh Loaf bread making enthusiast site really did the trick. His recipe is heavily inspired by this one posted by Jason Molinari on USENET back in 2006. Mine below is heavily inspired by his.
(More ...)Earlier this year I was having several discussions about the actual control of development stacks. It started with people pooh poohing the .NET stuff because Microsoft has a lock on most of the contributions. It then started veering towards why people didn’t like Java because of Oracle being the big daddy on that project, and so on. The question to me then was if there was a succinct exploration of that for those projects. I found a few things but nothing that was doing it for me. Then the whole Elastic/Kibana re-licensing event happened which caused the spawn of the Amazon fork. Around that question came up discussions about how much Amazon had or had not contributed compared to how much money they were making off of it at the expense of the vendor who open sourced it. I finally decided to do an analysis of open source contributions myself. After looking around for some tools I found some that did some of the job but not entirely. That began my development of my own tools and integration of some others to create visualizations of open source project contributions so that I could make some assessment of things like stability, diversity, etc. within the confines of what information is available in their Git histories. This post is an exploration of those tools and my process.
(More ...)Last year when I heard that the Basecamp team was having a crack at transforming email I was very excited. I had been trying to get off of Gmail, which had been my main stay personal and corporate email system for some time. It was part of my efforts to get out of the walled gardens of Google etc, see this post from back in 2018. I initially tried a service called KolabNow but it just didn’t cut it at all. I therefore ended up doubling back to Gmail. I got a trial subscription to Basecamp’s new email service during the pre-release period. I liked it enough to pay for a full year of it for $99 and figured I’d work through my growing pains and shortcomings. I never did. Recently someone turned me on to another service option Fastmail which I’ve been playing with considerably during this 30 day trial. I’m sufficiently impressed that not only am I going to ditch but I can probably now properly ditch Gmail as well. Below is a detailed discussion of the pros and cons of each.
(More ...)I’m trying to dial back in my diet a bit. As part of that I’m reviving my attempt to diversify my nutritarian diet recipes. I have my go to Nutritarian Black Forest Mushroom Soup recipe that I make even when I’m not in a dialed in diet mode along with a few others. I wanted something more. Flipping through the recipe section of Eat to Live my eyes and stomach were drawn to the Easy Three Bean Vegetable Chili (alternate link here ). I’ve used it for some inspiration for my own Impossible Meat based three bean vegetable chili recipe below.
This is an update on my monthly blog stats generated with my non-tracking The BlogStatViewer program. I followed the same steps as in April post for refining the updates to make sure that bots/spiders/etc aren’t in the statistics. This month it took a grand even less time although I’m still having to filter out about a half dozen new bot IPs again.
(More ...)“Dream Horse” (2020) follow the a small Welsh town’s naive attempt to make a go at breeding a race horse and having some beginner’s luck thanks to the pioneering efforts of their local animal loving barkeep.
(More ...)“Mortal Kombat” (2021) is the latest action movie based on the popular video game of the same name. This time we see an MMA fighter and some new found friends protecting Earthrealm from the Outerworld villains who wish to rule over all of humanity
(More ...)“A Quiet Place II” (2021) is the sequel to the blockbuster “A Quiet Place”. We pick up right at the end of the last movie and see the main character family trying to make their way out into the world without getting killed by the aliens who turned it into a apocalyptic hell hole in the first place.
(More ...)“Godzilla vs. Kong” (2021) two of the world’s Titan monsters battle it out with each other as the world waits to figure out who is the real villain and who is the real savior.