With enough time to capture a couple of weeks of data after the fast, it is now possible to take a look at what the results were from the fast as well as to discuss how I felt about it overall and potential tweaks for the future. This is the final post in this series for my first go of this fast. The usual disclaimer applies though. I am not a doctor, trainer, dietitian, nutritionist, or any other expert in any related field. I’m talking about my amateur and anecdotal experiences here and none of this should replace expert medical advice.
You can find the other posts at:
(More ...)I’m finally getting around to writing about the end of my fast. First up is the highly nutritious, low sodium, 100% plant based soup that I ate throughout the day on the two transition days:
(More ...)I’ve now completed two full Goal Accountability phases after my health reboot in springtime. I had enough confidence in my ability to maintain momentum even with more challenging requirements for each of my metrics. I definitely maintained my momentum but there were more stumbles than before as a consequence of that. Even with those stumbles my grades for the past four week phase were pretty solid.
(More ...)Today is the final day, the transition out day, of the five day “Longo Inspired Cancer Avoidance Fast” . I didn’t sleep well at all. While I technically got more than seven hours of sleep it was pretty fragmented I’m down a yet another 2.5 pounds. My night time heart rate looked normal as does my heart rate variability and my morning blood pressure. Like the previous days I woke up feeling a bit hung over and dehydrated but once I started having some decaf coffee and water I felt much better.
(More ...)Today is the third and final “real” fasting day of the five day “Longo Inspired Cancer Avoidance Fast” . I definitely woke up feeling more brain fog than yesterday and this time I got plenty of sleep. I definitely felt more dehydrated when I woke up too. No headaches or anything like that though. And as I’m sipping my morning cup of coffee I’m feeling less of both. I’m down a bit over another 2.5 pounds. My night time heart rate looked normal as does my heart rate variability. Even though it hasn’t been awful I’m glad today is the last “real” day of fasting too and tomorrow is a transition day.
(More ...)Today is the second “real” fasting day of the five day “Longo Inspired Cancer Avoidance Fast” . Yesterday’s first “real” day of the core of the fast is documented here . Today is just more of the same. Whether I end up using the electrolyte powders still remains to be seen. I had a little brain fog this morning but nothing atypical for not getting enough sleep and waking up too early. I woke up feeling slightly dehydrated and hung over as well. After a morning cup of coffee all that feels gone though. Weight compared to yesterday is down over 5.5 pounds. My nighttime heart rate minimum was down a few BPM but nothing I don’t see in normal variations. Heart rate variability is still looking good. So beginning of the second day is starting off strong.
(More ...)Today is the first “real” fasting day of the five day “Longo Inspired Cancer Avoidance Fast” . Yesterday was the transition in diet day of basically two huge servings of a nutrient dense soup and a handful of nuts, documented here . Today is the day that we “really” do the fasting. The rules are only non-caloric beverages all day. Ideally that will be just coffee (regular and decaf), tea (black or green), seltzer water, Perrier/Pellegrino, and water. While artificially sweetened beverages wouldn’t break the fast from the calorie restriction perspective I’m trying to avoid consuming them. If I feel headaches coming on that resolve immediately with a little salt intake then I will take some calorie free electrolyte compound or consume a little nearly calorie free broth, ideally doing the former not the latter.
(More ...)Today is the first day of the five day “Longo Inspired Cancer Avoidance Fast” . Yesterday being the 4th of July I had quite the BBQ splurge to celebrate the day. Now it is on to the first day of the fast. This is my first time trying this rendition of it. As with most fasts I am keeping a journal. Unlike previous fasts I’ve decided to keep that journal here on my blog versus in my personal journal. If people find it interesting or helpful then awesome. If people find it tiresome then maybe mute me until Monday of next week when the fast ends. That of course assumes I actually keep up with journaling through this. It could easily be quite boring.
(More ...)As I wrote in my “Thoughts on Fasting” post I am primarily looking to perform these multi-day fasts for cancer avoidance purposes. There is some evidence that a 3 day fast can help cut cancer risks. It is not a guarantee but the cost and risk associated with doing these things is small enough to make doing these things once or twice a year worth it even if it turns out to not have the cancer fighting benefit. A big part of the body of research I’ve followed on fasting has come from coverage of the works of Dr. Valter Longo . For years he has been an advocate for periodic multi-day fasts and avoiding excessive protein intake to increase longevity and cut down on cancer risks. This post highlights how I’ve designed my cancer avoidance fast around his techniques and research.
The usual disclaimer applies: I am not a doctor, trainer, dietitian, nutritionist, or any other expert in any related field. I’m talking about my amateur and anecdotal experiences here and none of this should replace expert medical advice.
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